weLc0mE To OuR BloG..

weLc0mE To OuR BloG..

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Noun :
noun is a word used to name a person, animal, place, thing, and abstract idea. Nouns are usually the first words which small children learn. 

Internet          mankind           effects           power           audience             fingertip’s            all                    computer      telephone           today           information     library                world                  research
need              net                    criticism       understanding  tool                  governments         schools
tool               parent,             children         reached          amount              space                    angers
society          channel             irresponsible  champion       may                   ten                       set-up
webpage      source               giant              apple             software            ideas                    worker
email            handle               crimes           impact           pornography       material                minds
adults           top                    virus              damage           talent                like                    commitment,
analyzer        UK(s)              victims           hackers          age                    pentagon

Pronoun :
-A pronoun can replace a noun or another pronoun. You use pronouns like "he," "which," "none," and "you" to make your sentences less cumbersome and less repetitive.
Grammarians classify pronouns into several types, including the personal pronoun, the demonstrative pronoun, the interrogative pronoun, the indefinite pronoun, the relative pronoun, the reflexive pronoun, and the intensive pronoun.

This        any          more          that          it           what          all           some        their       be          most, who

Verb :
The verb is perhaps the most important part of the sentence. A verb or compound verb asserts something about the subject of the sentence and express actions, events, or states of being. The verb or compound verb is the critical element of the predicate of a sentence.

Redefined         is             posted             net            aids              students             organizations      generated      be                    need        can                  own          today            even                    publish          disseminate   regardles          how         publish             us             display          features              site                  spreading make               realizing    operate

An adverb can modify a verb, an adjective, another adverb, a phrase, or a clause. An adverb indicates manner, time, place, cause, or degree and answers questions such as "how," "when," "where," "how much".
While some adverbs can be identified by their characteristic "ly" suffix, most of them must be identified by untangling the grammatical relationships within the sentence or clause as a whole. Unlike an adjective, an adverb can be found in various places within the sentence.

Virtually        never          so          all          that           today         on          in           however         more
greater          this             what       to          before       how           twelve years        when              buy
out               move           time       also       without      probably    successfully

Singular :
is a noun with both a singular and a plural form, and it names anything (or anyone) that you can count. You can make a countable noun plural and attach it to a plural verb in a sentence. Countable nouns are the opposite of non-countable nouns and collective nouns.


Arrival            has       one          need          society           space          tool

Plural :
Most nouns change their form to indicate number by adding "-s" or "-es",


needs          continues             addresses

Article :
Articles in English are invariable. That is, they do not change according to the gender or number of the noun they refer to.

The       a         an         aim

Present tense :
The present simple is the tense used to describe actions that are timeless. If the time of the action can be defined, then the present simple tense is used. The time and/or place is stated or understood.

Has      generated       is           be

Past tense : 
§  action in the past taking place once, never or several times
§  actions taking place one after another
§  action taking place in the middle of another action

Done       was         claimed         intended          prompted             detected

Present continuous tense :
The present continuous tense is used describe an action is happening at the time of speaking/writing or temporary actions. The present continuous tense is also called the present progressive tense.
When using the present continuous tense the verb "to be" is used with the main verb. - ing is added to the main verb.

Understanding       becoming          are handling

Past continuous tense :
- §  action going on at a certain time in the past
§  actions taking place at the same time
§  action in the past that is interrupted by another action

when       while           as long as

Present perfect tense :
The present perfect tense is used to describe an action that happened in the past, but has a connection to the present. The present perfect tense is also sometimes called the present perfect simple tense. The auxillary verb "have" is always used with the present perfect tense.

Has        created         have

past perfect tense :
- §  action taking place before a certain time in the past
§  sometimes interchangeable with past perfect progressive
§  putting emphasis only on the fact (not the duration)

already         just       never         not yet           once          until 

Preposition :
A preposition links nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in asentence. The word or phrase that the preposition introduces is called the object of the preposition.
A preposition usually indicates the temporal, spatial or logical relationship of its object to the rest of the sentence.

Of       to        at         all        on        than        in         from          for          an          over      beside      after

Conjunction :
You can use a conjunctive adverb to join two clauses together.
-You can use a conjunction to link words, phrases, and clauses.

And      than      however       that           their       or        which        with        since

Adjective :
An adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun by describing, identifying, or quantifying words. An adjective usually precedes the noun or the pronoun which it modifies.

Redefined            smooth             fast            this           one           worldwide              net              in
possibly               malicious          erroneous  minor        ailing         ridiculous               powerful     certain
large                    graphic             possibly    material     both          adults                     persistent    secret
dangerous           only                  young        difficult      expensive  individual

Past participle :
A past participle indicates past or completed action or time. It is often called the 'ed' form as it is formed by adding d or ed, to the base form of regular verbs, however it is also formed in various other ways for irregular verbs.
It can be used to form a verb phrase as part of the present perfect tense.


predisposition :
are often prepositions in relative clauses, and the relative pronoun is the object of the preposition. This means that the preposition can sometimes be omitted.

That      of          into

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